Vocabulary in the Interactive Notebook

Vocabulary is a key part to math.  In the past, I always had my students designate one section of their notebook as their "Math Dictionary".  For each unit, they would write the vocabulary words, their definitions, and give examples and non-examples of each.  Some kids would "forget" to include the examples or non-examples though.

Since I'm switching to interactive notebooks, I decided to update my Math Dictionary section.  I found a great template of the Frayer Model for vocabulary.  It's great because it goes along with foldable theme.

The template has an oval in the center to write the vocabulary word.  In the top left box, students write the definition.  In the top left  box, they write any key facts of characteristics about the word (which I love).  The bottom left box is for examples and the bottom right one is for non-examples.  Now, there's a spot for all the components, making it virtually impossible for students to "forget" to include anything.

In order to keep my students organized (and to make the vocab section like a "real" dictionary), I made an alphabetized list of all the vocab words we will be going over during the year.  It took some time, but it was well worth it.  I am going to have the students paste the list onto the first page of their vocabulary sections on the first day of school.

You can get the list from my TeachersPayTeachers store.

As for the individual words, I am going to have the students cut out each rectangle.  If they fold the rectangle in half, they can easily glue four words per page.  They will write the word on the folded side of the paper for quick reference.  They words will be color-coded by unit (just like the Table of Contents).

During the first few days of school, when I am busy handing out books and collecting a ton of forms, I will have my classes start cutting, folding, and gluing the blank templates into their Math Dictionaries.  I will also have them assign a color of choice to each unit and have them write just the words on the folded side.  They will fill in each template as we get to each unit.  Filling out the models for each word will also be a great assignment to leave with a sub when I'm absent.  I think this system is going to work well!


  1. I've been thinking about how to best incorporate vocabulary into my interactive notebooks this year, and I really, really, really like this idea. I love that you can fold these and fit 4 to a page! Thank you so much for sharing! I'm off to figure out how to make this work best for my high school students!

    1. I'm so glad you like the idea. I'm really excited to use it in September. I think it will work well!

    2. I'm looking for other ideas for vocabulary. I liked this first one and would like to provide students with several different strategies for learning vocabulary and keeping it in their math notebooks. Thank you in advance.

  2. so smart! I love it... time to start writing out my vocab list!

  3. Agreed with above comments. Like Chocolate is for Runners said "time to start writing out my vocab list." Thanks.

    1. yup, i just finished my list for my 8th grade. all i have left is my algebra class!

  4. I just found your blog today, and I love the ideas. I teach seventh grade math in Los Angeles. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hey Katie! I am in loveeee with your blog! This will be my first year teaching, and I will be teaching 7th grade math. I love your resources and cannot wait to use some of them this school year! Thanks so so much! :)

    1. you are welcome! good luck this year! it can be a challenge sometimes, but is so worth it! i love middle school!

  6. I just found your blog while searching for ways to address math vocab. I LOVE your ideas for foldables and interactive notebooks! I teach Special Education math, reading, writing and study skills. Your blog is inspiring and time saving. Thank you!

    1. You are welcome. Foldables are great for any grade level or subject!

  7. Hi Katie,

    As you reflect on this year, how did it go? What will/would you change for next year?

    Thanks for the insight!!

    1. Overall, I was happy with the Math Dictionary section. I am changing a few things for this year, though. I just posted about it actually! See: http://msmathmadness.blogspot.com/2013/07/vocabulary-section-improvements.html

  8. Thanks. double vertex

  9. Thank you! The whole idea is so simple but clever, I will be starting this new quarter with your idea,


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