Common Core Word Stars

So, I've been redesigning the first few pages of my interactive notebooks for next year.  I am adding a place for students to write online textbook and user names and passwords.  I also wanted to add a cool math graphic (which can be hard to find).  I came across these cool word clouds on TpT.  They are really nice and are only $1.00 each, but I still decided to make my own.  I wanted to change the shape and play around with the placement of words.  So, I used Tagxedo (for the first time!).  It's free and so simple to use!

All I did was copy and paste the common core standards for Grade 7, Grade 8 and Algebra I into Tagxedo.  I played around with the orientation, font, and colors until I was satisfied.

I have to say, I really love the results!  Here they are:

Grade 7:

Grade 8:

Algebra I:

Feel free to copy them and use for your own stuff.  If you have trouble, leave a comment with your email and which stars you want, and I'll send them to you.  Happy Summer!


  1. These are great Katie. I used Tagxeto for my blog header. I used the Minnesota State Standards for 6th grade. As a teacher it really lets you know (very blatantly) what you will be focusing on that year! I teach 6th grade so for me it is lots of fractions, decimals and problem solving! And although I do not know common core, I know that last year in my 7th grade classes I did a lot of probability, rational numbers, and proportions!!!

    I love word clouds. I have used them for many different things. I once had to write a compare and contrast paper from Lincoln's inauguration speech to Kennedy's. I copy and pasted them into word clouds and you could SEE very clearly the differences. Word clouds are SOOOOO important for that visual learner! I am so happy that we have it at our fingertips now!

    Thanks for sharing these! I might have to go make a cool one for my 6ers to use in their ISNs!!!

    Lessons With Coffee

    1. You're welcome! It really is so quick to make. Just copy and paste the text and then format it they way you like. :)

  2. Squee! Love this idea! I used the same website to make an image using words my students used to describe me. Made a great portfolio cover. ;)

  3. Great idea! I will definitely be checking this out. Thanks for sharing! ~Ellie

  4. Thanks for cluing me in to a new website. I'm teaching 8th grade and common core this fall, so these will be perfect!

  5. Again thanks for sharing. This is such a cooool idea! This will be perfect for my signs in the classroom. I will also the word clouds for descriptive words when the students describe me.

  6. I am having trouble with the stars. I need the 7th and 8th grade stars. My email is

    I love your site. I am just beginning interactive notebooks and I love your foldable ideas.


  7. Katie,
    Please send me the 7th and 8th Grade Stars. I would really appreciate it!
    My email address is

    Thank you so much for sharing.
    Have a great school year!


  8. I love this idea, but I'm having a hard time with the 7th grade star--blurry. Can you send them to my e-mail? Maybe that'll help?? My e-mail is

    I love this site! I'm starting interactive notebooks this year so it's super helpful!!


    1. I'm so glad you find this blog helpful. I'll send you the star now!

  9. Love this!! Could you please email me the 7th and 8th grade??? My email is

  10. Could you send me the 7th grade star? I think it will be a good thing to have my kids put into their INB, which I hope to do a better job with this year. My email address is


  11. This is a great blog- I love your ideas and plan on implementing many of them. I would love it if you could email me all three of the stars. My district issued computer won't allow access to the site you used to create them :(
    My email is
    Thank you,

  12. Hi Katie
    What a great idea! I am hoping you would not mind sending me the 8th grade star? Thanks!


  13. Hi Katie! Love the designs of all three. My school issued computer doesn't support the Tagxedo site. Can you send me all three? Thanks!

  14. Hi Katie, will you please email me your stars for 7th grade and algebra? I'd like to make posters out of them. Thank you!!!!

  15. Hi! I would love all 3 STARS! Thank you!

  16. Could you send me the 6th and 7th grade stars? Love them!


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